Bathing Venetian Ladys water fountain with small Lawrence pool, Great looking pool surround nothing else like it in the U.K. complemented with our beautiful Venetian ladys fountain.
lights not included but can be purchased from our fountains extras page
All of our premier ranges of fountains include an exclusive to Geoff’s garden ornaments fibre glass pool liner, making these unique fountains easy to install with a very professional finished look.
Picture shows 2 meter wide Lawrence pool surround, for a fountain which creates less water splash we would recommend the larger 3 meter wide Lawrence pool
lights not included please contact us for details or see our fountain accessories.
Size (2 meter wide pool ): 200 cm external pool, 150 cm internal pool, 180 cm tall, 80 cm wide bowl
Size (3 meter wide pool): 300 cm external pool, 265 cm internal pool, 180 cm tall, 80 cm wide bowl
To see the Venetian ladys fountain running on YOU TUBE Please click here